Molar Enthalpy Formula for the Specialized Pöschl-Teller Oscillator

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Yusuf Ibrahim
P. P. Notani
J. U. Ojar
P. U. Tanko
A. A. Mshelia
E. S. Eyube


In this study, an existing equation for the canonical partition function of the specialized Pöschl-Teller oscillator (SPTO) was used to develop analytical formula for the prediction of molar enthalpy of diatomic substances. The equation was used to analyze the thermodynamic property of the ground state BBr, ICl, P2, and PCl molecules. The average absolute deviation (σave) of predicted data from the observed data of the molecules was employed as accuracy indicator. The σave obtained are 1.0945%, 0.5312%, 0.8178% and 0.6793% for the BBr, ICl, P2, and PCl molecules, respectively. The results predicted with the present formulation for molar enthalpy is in good agreement with the data reported in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database. The data generated in this study could be useful in the areas of Solid-State Physics, Chemical Physics, Chemical Engineering, and Atomic and Molecular Physics.


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Ibrahim, Y., Notani, P. P., Ojar, J. U., Tanko, P. U., Mshelia, A. A., & Eyube, E. S. (2023). Molar Enthalpy Formula for the Specialized Pöschl-Teller Oscillator. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(1), 154–159. Retrieved from


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