Determination of the Poisson Ratio of Dry Ice as a Function of its Density

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John C. Morka
O. Emmanuel Umukoro
N. Blessing Okeke
A. K. Uchechukwu
Julius Okoh


The Poisson ratio of dry ice in relation to its density was determined in this study. In recent years, many studies have shown that it is meaningful to place some materials under stress paths corresponding to various conditions. However, the deformation evolution of these materials with consideration to their mechanical behaviour and characteristics has rarely been studied. Therefore, knowledge of the Poisson ration allows engineers and scientists predict how materials deform, help to determine material elastic properties, materials compatibility, materials characterization and materials selection and design. The experimental methodology encompassed a comprehensive analysis of dry ice samples with varying densities. A series of controlled compression tests were performed on these samples using specialized equipment. The resulting data were collected and analyzed to obtain the Poisson ratio values corresponding to different density levels of dry ice. The findings of the study revealed a distinct relationship between the Poisson ratio and the density of dry ice, providing valuable insights into the mechanical properties of this material. The methodology and outcomes presented here contribute to a deeper understanding of the behaviour of dry ice under compressive loads, paving the way for potential applications in various fields requiring precise knowledge of its mechanical characteristics. The result obtained showed a consistent relationship between the Poisson ratio of dry ice and its density, such that as the Poisson ratio decreased its corresponding density increased. These findings not only enhance our understanding of dry ice's mechanical behavior but also offer insights into the broader interplay between density and Poisson ratio in materials, with potential implications for diverse industrial and scientific applications.


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How to Cite
Morka, J. C., Umukoro, O. E., Okeke, N. B., Uchechukwu, A. K., & Okoh, J. (2024). Determination of the Poisson Ratio of Dry Ice as a Function of its Density. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(2), 151–158. Retrieved from
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