Nigerian Journal of Physics (NJP)

A Publication of Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP)

 Journal URL:



Volume 34, Issues 1, 2, 3 & 4

 Submission Window: Open

Publication Date (Online): March, June, September & December, 2025


The Nigerian Journal of Physics (NJP) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP). It publishes original research papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications in all aspects in the fields of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology. It covers all areas of Theoretical Physics, Geophysical & Atmospheric Physics, Radiation  & Medical Physics, Solid State Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology, Renewable Energy, Polymer and Textile Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Physical Chemistry,  Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture & Engineering, Database Management  Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Operating Systems & Networking, Mechanics, Pure Mathematics, Number theory,  Applied mathematics, Mathematical Finance, Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing, Topology & Differential  Geometry, Biostatistics & Data Science Decision Analysis and Support, Econometric Modelling, Planetary Exploration, Exoplanets, among others.


Manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system: (for new users)

https:// (for registered users)

Ensure that you follow the online submission processes carefully and patiently.

During online Submission, ensure that all Co-Authors details are added

 Submissions are to be accompanied with the Manuscript Submission Fee. Manuscript Submission fee is a non-refundable fee in case the manuscript is not accepted for publication. Meanwhile, Publication fee will only be made after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

 Manuscript Submission Fee (Non-Refundable):                  Five Thousand Naira only (₦5,000.00)

Publication Fee (After the manuscript is accepted):             Thirty Thousand Naira only (₦30,000.00)  

 All monies should be paid into the account of the Journal, detailed below:

Account Name:                  NIG. INST. OF PHYSICS (JOURNAL)

Account Number:              1015182789

Bank Name:                         UBA Plc.

Account Type:                     CURRENT

*Evidence of payment should be uploaded alongside each submission

For inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Emmanuel Joseph

Deputy Editor




Our policy is as follows:

  1. Manuscript submitted to this Journal must neither be published nor submitted for publication elsewhere either in part or whole.
  2. The authors agree that the copyright of their article is totally transferred to the Editorial Board of this Journal once the article is accepted.
  3. Article(s) submitted will be peer-reviewed before being accepted for publication.
  4. Articles submitted will be subjected to a similarity check. All those above 35% will be rejected outright while those between 20% and 35% will be required to reduce the similarity index before publication.
  5. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted electronically or in any form without permission and consent in writing from the copyright holder.

The Editorial office shall make every effort to ensure that no misleading information or statement appears in this Journal. It is, however, the sole responsibility of the author(s) for all data and information provided with regards to accuracy. The Editorial Board and its agents shall accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the consequences of any misleading data and/or information provided by the author(s) which shall be published in NJP.

Manuscripts preparation
Text Editor: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12
No Columns

Main Headings and Manuscript Presentation
Manuscripts should be prepared under the following headings without numbering:
Article Title
Authors and their full addresses
Abstract (300 words maximum)
Keywords (Maximum of Five)
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Acknowledgement (If Any)

Conflict of Interest

Sources of Funding (If Any)


This should be concise and explain the nature of the paper. If the paper was given, wholly or in part, at a scientific meeting, this should be stated in a footnote.

Authors' names

These should include one surname followed by initials of the author(s) and the address where the work was carried out. The name, address, and email address of the corresponding author should be indicated clearly.

An abstract of 300 words (maximum) should be provided abridging introduction, methods used, results, the significance of results and conclusion of the study.


This should state the problem investigated, the aim of the work and previous relevant work with appropriate references, and must indicate clearly the advance in knowledge or contribution to knowledge.

Materials and Method

Clear and sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated by others, if desired. Only new techniques need to be described in detail; known methods must have adequate references.


These should be presented concisely, with tables or illustrations for clarity.

Only good quality and clearly readable figures will be accepted. Graphs should be drawn in CorelDraw or Microsoft Excel. A resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) or higher is required for good-quality picture printing.


The American Psychology Association (APA) system of referencing should be used. The in-text citation should be in full if they have one or two authors (e.g.: Michael, 2002; Ogbe & Segun, 2009), for multiple-authored cases they should be cited as Haruna et al. (2005). Full References should be provided in the references section. References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, giving all the authors with their initials after their respective surnames. Give the full title of the paper in the language in which it appeared or an accurate English translation. Journal titles should be abbreviated as in Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. If the journal is not included in these lists, then give the title in full.

Where possible, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the reference should be included at the end of the reference. This style and order should be followed: author's surname, initial(s) of forename(s), paper title, journal title (in italic), volume number (in bold), first and last page numbers, year of publication (in brackets) e.g.

Journal Articles: 

Ayan, E., Berok, B. and Selega, G. H. (2003). Extraction of oil from wild Melon seeds. Journal of African Science Technology, 2(2): 4-9.

A Book: 

Dagogo, K., Edward, E. D., Kelle, C. and Madu, N. (2009). Biochemical Finger printing: Simulated Models of DNA and Nucleic Acids. ABU Press.

A Chapter in a Book: 

Leach, J. (1993). Impacts of the zebra mussel (Dreissenapolymorpha) on water quality and fish spawning reefs of Western Lake Erie. In Zebra mussels: biology, impacts and control, Eds., Nalepa, T. and D. Schloesser. Ann Arbor, MI: Lewis Publishers, pp: 381-397.

A Report: 

Makarewicz, J. C., Lewis, T. and Bertram, P. (1995). Epilimnetic phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and species composition in Lake Michigan, 1983-1992.U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program, Chicago, IL.EPA 905-R-95-009.

Conference Proceedings: 

Stone, D. (2007). Signal Transduction in Bacteria. In the Proceedings of the 2004 Markey Scholars Conference, pp: 80-89.

A Thesis: 

Strunk, J. L. (1991). The extraction of mercury from sediment and the geochemical partitioning of mercury in sediments from Lake Superior, M. S. Thesis, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.

Abbreviations, Units Etc.,

Authors should follow internationally accepted standard specifications, e.g., IUPAC-IUB. IUPAC Manua1 of symbols and terminology for physico-chemical quantities and units.

Copyright and Permissions

By submitting a manuscript to the editor or publisher it is regarded that you have given permission to publish the manuscript and distribute it electronically or in any other form to different databases and abstracting services including libraries, universities and anywhere else.

Proofs may be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. Your response, with or without corrections, should be sent within 48 hours. 

Proofs will be sent as an Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) file. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read the PDF. This software can be downloaded from the following website:

Upon the final publication, an issue will be made available online at the Nigerian Journal of Physics website.  

Other Important Notes for Author(s)

“By submitting the processing fee, it is understood that the author has agreed to our terms and conditions which may change from time to time without any notice.

Author(s) will take FULL responsibility if any copyright infringement or any other violation of any law is done by publishing the research work.

Before publishing, the author(s) must check whether this journal is accepted by their employer, or any authority they intends to submit their research work. The Journal will not be responsible in this matter. If at any time, due to any legal reason, the journal stops accepting manuscripts or could not publish already accepted manuscripts, the Journal will have the right to cancel all or any one of the manuscripts without any compensation for the processing cost.


  1. All manuscripts must be submitted in A4 format, single column, using double spacing and leaving adequate margins. Each page should be numbered individually. Text lines should be numbered, with the numbers restarting on each page.
  2. Tabular material must be clearly set out with the number of columns in each table kept to a minimum. Tables must have concise headings that enable them to be comprehensible without reference to the main text. Please ensure that the data in columns are consistent in the number of significant figures.
  3. Number illustrations with Arabic numerals consecutively, in order of appearance in the text. Keep lettering on illustrations to a minimum and include essential details in the legend. Illustrations should be submitted in black and white, with no background color. The figures should be of high resolution (300 dpi minimum for photos, 800 dpi minimum for graphs, drawings, etc., at the size the figure will be printed). Numbers and symbols incorporated in the figure must be large enough to be legible after a reduction in figure size. Appropriate file types include Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Microsoft Word (doc) files.
  4. Symbols, formulae and equations must be written with great care. The symbols recommended in the various parts of the British Standard 1991 should be used. SI units should be used; these are described in, for example, the British Standards Publication PD 5686, The Use of SI Units. All equations should be typed using Microsoft Equation Editor.