Determination of the η Parameter as function of Neutrino Mass: A Theoretical Approach

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Osarodion Ebomwonyi
Emmanuel A. Oguche
Emmanuel O. Aiyohuyin


Computation of the neutrino masses and  parameter experimentally abound in literature, while little or no attention has been made to determine it theoretically. However, a recent theoretical study sought to determine the masses of the neutrino, but failed to compute the value for the  parameter. Hence, this study was aimed at determining theoretically the  parameter from neutrino masses addition as predicted with quantum gravitational couplings/effective Majorana dimensionless coupling via spherical symmetry vacuum solution. A seesaw mechanism (ala mode matrix) was adopted; where the SU matrix was diagonalized to get the mass eigen states. The  parameter value which is expressed as a function of the three mass eigen states of the neutrino masses, and which also satisfies the experimental constraints was determined theoretically to be 0.06.


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How to Cite
Ebomwonyi, O., Oguche, E. A., & Aiyohuyin, E. O. (2024). Determination of the η Parameter as function of Neutrino Mass: A Theoretical Approach. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(4), 13–17.


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