Computational Study of Structural Transformation in Densified Silica glass
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Pressure-induced change in structure and properties of noncrystalline materials, such as liquids and glasses, is an important and challenging issue in condensed-matter physics. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) was used to provide insight into the microscopic picture of changes in the structural correlation of densified SiO2 glass. The simulations are based on the effective interatomic potential. Changes in the position and height of the first sharp peak in the pair distribution function and bond-angle distributions were investigated as a function of density. The pair-distribution function show that the average Si-O bond length at normal density is 1.62 Å, then linearly increases to 1.67 Å at high density. At high density where the glass reaches the stishovite density the Si-O coordination changes from 4 to 5.8 and the O-Si-O angle distribution is peaked at 90o with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 21o and the Si-O-Si angle distribution is peaked at 95o and 128o. The Si-O bond angle distribution becomes covalent-like and the O-Si-O bond angle distribution becomes broader upon densification. These results provide firm evidence that the system has transformed from a corner-sharing tetrahedral network to one in which there are corner-sharing and edge-sharing octahedral.
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