Chemical Bath Deposition of Titanium Dioxide/Nickel Oxide (TiO2/NiO) Core-Shell Thin Films

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Daniel U. Onah
Edwin H. Uguru
Rufus O. Ijeh
Victoria N. Udeajah
Eze Stephen
John E. Ekpe


Core-shell thin films of titanium dioxide/nickel oxide (TiO2/NiO) were deposited from aqueous bath on sail brand microscopic glass slides or substrates (Cat. No. 7102) with dimensions of 76.2  25.4  1.1 mm each. The bath contained titanium trichloride solution, sodium hydroxide pellets and polyvinyl alcohol and later nickel sulphate, potassium chloride, ammonia and water. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the annealing temperature on the electrical properties of the films and also to identify the films compositions and determine the crystalline quality of the films. The films’ compositional analysis, energy dispersive spectrometer analysis and electrical properties were obtained from Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, energy dispersive spectrometer and the four points probe respectively. Decrease in electrical resistivity of the films samples from 1.36 x 104Wm – 1.102 x 104Wm was obtained in electrical resistivity measurement when the annealing temperature was increased from 373 to 523K. This implied that the film samples are semiconductor materials.  RBS results showed that the films contained Ca as an impurity, so that there was quantum size effect, thereby reducing the resistivity of the films. The thin films are therefore suitable materials for application in optoelectronics and electroluminescence as semiconductors. 


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How to Cite
Onah, D. U., Uguru, E. H., Ijeh, R. O., Udeajah, V. N., Stephen, E., & Ekpe, J. E. (2023). Chemical Bath Deposition of Titanium Dioxide/Nickel Oxide (TiO2/NiO) Core-Shell Thin Films. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(2), 34–39. Retrieved from


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