Effect of Al Dope with ZnO Electron Transport Layer in Perovskite Solar Cells Using SCAPs 1-D Simulation

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Abubakar Sadiq Yusuf
Abubakar Muhammad Ramalan
Ahmed Alhaji Abubakar
Isah Kimpa Mohammed
Sharifat Olalonpe Ibrahim
Firdausi Erena Adamu
Umaru Ahmadu
Kasim Uthman Isah


Perovskite solar cells have shown exceptional performance and significant advancements in solar cell efficiency. For perovskite solar cells to conduct electrons and generate current, one of the key components is the substance known as the electron transport layer (ETL). Using the SCAPS 1D modelling program, ZnO: Al was used in this instance as the ETL material in a perovskite solar cell. Because of its interaction with the perovskite material, the ZnO: Al ETL demonstrated high cell efficiency. The performance of the ZnO: Al-doped-based solar cell achieved a PCE as high as 23.5%. In the meanwhile, the greatest cell performance in terms of enhancing the charge transport mechanism and raising cell efficiency was shown by perovskite solar cells doping the ETL with Al and having the right layer thickness. Thus, throughout the manufacturing process, the parameters used in this study may serve as a guide.


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How to Cite
Yusuf, A. S., Ramalan, A. M., Abubakar, A. A., Mohammed, I. K., Ibrahim, S. O., Adamu, F. E., Ahmadu, U., & Isah, K. U. (2024). Effect of Al Dope with ZnO Electron Transport Layer in Perovskite Solar Cells Using SCAPs 1-D Simulation. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(2), 22–29. https://doi.org/10.62292/njp.v33i2.2024.214


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