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L. M. Frank
S. O. Shaka


The synthesis of all types of industrial products depends of the specific combination of applied methods and the conditions of syntheses (i.e. temperature of flame, flow rates, quality of precursors, the chemical compositions of gaseous and liquid precursors, etc.); the product will then show high quality and high performance level for further treatment. The availability of equipment also determines the methods of synthesis and therefore equipment which is able to provide suitable condition for production of materials is best. In this research, an assembly of equipment is constructed to obtain a perfect production. By adjusting the temperature condition of the flame using the Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) method of synthesis, and keeping every other conditions of synthesis constant, high quality performance agglomerate-free nano-sized Al2O3 particles with a size range of 5-30nm were synthesized and compared. The precursors and the resultant oxide powders were characterized by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD). The result of this further experiment shows evidence of stable nano-alumina, which further confirms that flame spray pyrolysis method can successfully be used to synthesize nano-size Al2O3. However, high quality performance of the synthesized nano-sizeAl2O3 particle with 750oC is greater than those synthesized with either 450oC or 600oC temperature of flame


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Frank, L. M., & Shaka, S. O. (2021). FLAME AEROSOL SYNTHESIS OF NANOALUMINA. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 58–67. Retrieved from https://njp.nipngr.org/index.php/njp/article/view/95


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