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S. I. Yusuf
S. Ejeh
R. O. Olayiwola


A lot of work has been done on leakages in pipe. However, this study presents the analysis of transient flow parameters of non-viscous fluid within a pipe using mass flow rate. The model equation evolved was solved and considered under two situations of non-viscous flow with leakage and the case of no leakage in the pipe. The method of direct integration was applied and the results obtained were simulated and presented graphically using Maple 17 software. The analyses of the graphs show that the parameters considered in the simulation some of which are flow velocity, pressure, density, measured inlet mass flow, measured outlet mass flow and Reynolds number are useful tools in analysing leakages in a pipe notwithstanding the degree of leakage


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Yusuf, S. I., Ejeh, S., & Olayiwola, R. O. (2021). ANALYSIS OF LEAKAGE OF NON-VISCOUS FLOW IN A PIPE USING MASS FLOW RATE. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 51–57. Retrieved from


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