An approach towards a self-consistent EAM model for bcc metals Lithium and Vanadium

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A. A. Oni-Ojo
F. O. Oni-Ojo
E. O. Aiyohuyin


Recently, a four-parameter embedding function that is sufficiently rich to handle both positive and negative Cauchy discrepancy  has been produced by modifying the embedding function of Yuan et al. (2003)1, a modification to MEAM92, which failed to produce a reasonable surface energy when applied to bcc Vanadium V. We compute the three low-index surface energies of Li and V using the novel model Generalized Embedding Atom method (GEAM) (Oni-Ojo et al, 2007) parameters (iterated values), and the results fall within the experimental average.


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How to Cite
Oni-Ojo, A. A., Oni-Ojo, F. O., & Aiyohuyin, E. O. (2024). An approach towards a self-consistent EAM model for bcc metals Lithium and Vanadium. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(4), 169–173.