Surface Energy Calculation for FCC Metals with Negative Cauchy’s Discrepancy using the GEAM

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A. A. Oni-Ojo
E. O. Aiyohuyin


The three low-index surfaces of fcc metals with negative Cauchy’s discrepancy, strontium (Sr) and Iridium (Ir) are here investigated using the generalized embedded-atom method (GEAM), a model developed by Oni-Ojo et al. (2007) and the corresponding surface energies calculated. The low-index surface energies studied are: ,  and , with having the lowest and having the highest energy value. The predicted values are in good agreement with the experimental values.


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Oni-Ojo, A. A., & Aiyohuyin, E. O. (2024). Surface Energy Calculation for FCC Metals with Negative Cauchy’s Discrepancy using the GEAM. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(2), 66–69.


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