Determination of the Meson Spectra in the Dirac Equation with Power Law Potential

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J. T. Ikyumbur
J. O. Fiase
N. M. D. Chagok
A. A. McAsule
K. K. Kwapyen


The pseudo-shifted ℓ-expansion technique was used in the Dirac equation to derive a Schrodinger-like equation. The equation was solved using a non-QCD based power potential of the form;  with  to obtain the mass spectra for bottom quark . The mass spectra of both light and heavy mesons obtained in this work were in good agreement with both the experiment and other theoretical works. However, the mass spectra of 10.1564 and 10.3039 obtained for bottom quark were small when compare with the experimental results for the same orbits. Other discrepancies observed were the 9.9252 for bottom quark and 3.9715 for charmonium that were higher than experimental results. This model has successfully mimicked the mass spectra of both light and heavy mesons and also predicts the mass spectra of mixed mesons


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Ikyumbur, J. T. ., Fiase, J. O., Chagok, N. M. D., McAsule, A. A., & Kwapyen, K. K. (2023). Determination of the Meson Spectra in the Dirac Equation with Power Law Potential. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 180–187. Retrieved from


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