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E. P. Inyang
J. E. Ntibi
F. Ayedun
E. A. Ibanga
E. S. William


Hulthén plus Hellmann potential was adopted as the quark-antiquark interaction potential for predicting the mass
spectra of heavy mesons. The adopted potential was made to be temperature-dependent by replacing the screening
parameter with Debye mass  ( ) D m T . The radial Schrödinger equation was analytically solved using the series
expansion method and energy eigenvalues were obtained. The energy eigenvalues was used to predict the mass
spectra of heavy mesons such as charmonium(cc) and bottomonium(bb) . Four special cases were considered
when some of the potential parameters were set to zero, resulting in Hellmann potential, Yukawa potential,
Coulomb potential, and Hulthén potential, respectively. The present potential provides satisfying results in
comparison with experimental data and work of other researchers with a maximum error of 0.034 GeV.


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Inyang, E. P., Ntibi, J. E., Ayedun, F., Ibanga, E. A., & William, E. S. (2021). APPLICABILITY OF HULTHÉN-HELLMANN POTENTIAL TO PREDICT THE MASS-SPECTRA OF HEAVY MESONS VIA SERIES EXPANSION METHOD. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 140–145. Retrieved from


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