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M. C. Ohakwere-Eze
L. I. Nwankwo
C. V. Nosike
A. Alhassan


Micro-hydrokinetic river (MHR) system is one of the promising technologies to be used for remote rural electrification. It simply requires the flow of water instead of elevation or head, leading to expensive civil works. It also demonstrates an economic benefit offered by a MHR system when compared to the commonly used systems such as solar, wind and diesel generator (DG) at the selected study site. A novel technique of estimating the daily average water velocity data in unregulated rivers is proposed. The modelling of regression equation for water velocity estimation was performed and a regression model equation was developed to estimate the water velocity on-site and proven to be valid. The daily average water level from river Dindima River was measured concurrently for two months (94 samples) as training data. Both datasets were analysed using the regression analysis method. Eight regression models were selected and analysed. As a result, the regression model Cubic curve (76%) exemplified the highest R-square value, followed by Quadratic curve model (75%), Exponential and Compound curve model (59%), Linear curve model (57%), Power curve mode (38%), Logarithmic curve model (37%), Inverse curve model (21%). The quadratic model equation was chosen due to its significant of correlation (P) less than 0.01 as well as collinearity. Based on the result (strong correlation of 81% and significant P-value of 0), there exist a strong relationship between the water level and water velocity on-site. Therefore it can be interpreted that the increment in water level can significantly hike the water velocity on-site. The regression model equation can be used to estimate long-term time series water velocity data for unregulated river in such remote areas as a very good fit between the estimated and actual velocities was obtained moreover correlation analysis carried out gave a correlation coefficient of 0.99 thus validating


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How to Cite
Ohakwere-Eze, M. C., Nwankwo, L. I., Nosike, C. V., & Alhassan, A. (2021). MICRO-HYDROKINETIC EXPLORATION OF A SELECTED UNREGULATED RIVER (RIVER DINDIMA), NORTH EAST NIGERIA FOR ITS ENERGY POTENTIAL. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 165–169. Retrieved from https://njp.nipngr.org/index.php/njp/article/view/109


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