Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: A Case Study of Umuahia Areas of Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria

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Chukwunenyoke Amos-Uhegbu
S. T. Jokotagba
J. D. Mmeka
E. U. Nwokoma


Affordable and effective measures must be employed in the search for groundwater resources given the exponential increase in the demand for water and the ensuing hunt for its availability. For ease of exploration and exploitation, these methods must take into consideration all the elements that affect groundwater occurrence, recharge, and transport, as was done in this analysis of the groundwater potential zones in Umuahia areas of Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria. Seven thematic layers such as rainfall, soil type, geology, drainage density, slope, lineament density, and land use / land cover were appropriately delineated using remote sensing data and the capabilities of the geographic information system (GIS). The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) enabled the prioritization of the layers which were then integrated into a single thematic layer using the weighted overlay tool of the ArcGIS software.  The result of this study shows 3.3%, 93.8%, and 2.9% of the region to be of good, moderate, and poor groundwater potential zones respectively, indicating the amount to which each element under consideration had an impact. This emphasizes the widespread random borehole failures in some parts of Umuahia area. The precise map of groundwater potential zones created by this study can be adapted for optimal management of the current aquifers to sustainably meet the region’s water demands.


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How to Cite
Amos-Uhegbu, C., Jokotagba, S. T., Mmeka, J. D., & Nwokoma, E. U. (2023). Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: A Case Study of Umuahia Areas of Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 110–126. Retrieved from
Author Biography

E. U. Nwokoma



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