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S. O. Okeke
A. A. Onwuegbuche
A. I. Chinwuko
K. O. Achhilike
C. C. Okonkwo
A. O. Usman


An electrical resistivity sounding has been employed on investigation of groundwater potentials within the southern Anambra State, Nigeria.Fifty-two vertical electrical sounding data were obtained within the area using Schlumberger array. The resistivity data which were interpreted with the aid of IX1D Interpex software formed the basic data for calculating and modeling aquifer characteristics. The Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) machine was used to analyze the physico-chemical components of the fourteen groundwater samples collected around the area. The VES interpretations revealed that the forth to sixth layers are delineated as prospective aquifer units with depth range from 44.36 meters to 215.08 meters across the study area. The computed aquifer parameters from the interpreted VES data show 0.053 to 6.189 m/day hydraulic conductivity and 1.824 to 430.628m2/day transmissivity. The water analyses reveal that mostly all the parameters analyzed fall within the acceptable limit for drinking water. Three zones of groundwater productivity potential have been obtained in the area: high, intermediate and low, but the study area is predominately of intermediate transmissibility, meaning that the groundwater potentials can serve for local water supply. The groundwater flows within the area trend majorly in NE-SW direction. The groundwater vulnerability model reveals that the gap between the peaks of the watertable and the topography in the area is 140m, which implies that the vertical movement of any contaminant will be strongly retarded by the earth materials before reaching the aquifer. The study concludes that the aquifers within the study area are capable of yielding enough water that would serve for local water supply/scheme which is satisfactory for human consumption


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Okeke, S. O., Onwuegbuche, A. A., Chinwuko, A. I., Achhilike, K. O., Okonkwo, C. C., & Usman, A. O. (2021). AN INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER POTENTIAL OF SOUTHERN ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA USING ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SOUNDINGS. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 1–11. Retrieved from


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