Mapping of Aquifer Characteristics and Reservoir Protective Capacity Variation in Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State South-West Nigeria

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S. A. Ishola
O. O. Oyebolu
P. R. Ikhane


Variation of Aquifer potential characteristics and its impacts on the groundwater subsurface protection of the aquiferous zone using electrical resistivity method was carried out at Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State South-West Nigeria with the principal purpose of assessing and rating aquifer protective capacity of the overburden units in the area. Twenty seven (27) vertical electrical sounding (VES) were conducted using Schlumberger configuration with the maximum electrode spacing of 100m at each point using Allied OMHEGA Resistivity meter. The data were interpreted using partial curve matching techniques and computer iteration program using WINRESIST. Parameters such as aquifer resistivity, aquifer thickness, overburden thickness, bedrock resistivity, reflection coefficient and longitudinal unit conductance were calculated and used for evaluating the groundwater yields and vulnerability of the aquiferous zone to contaminant seepages. The range of reflection coefficient is found to be between 0.02 and 0.98 while that of the protective capacity is between 0.00135 and 0.510. Groundwater potentials of the area were categorized as being high (overburden thickness 13m and reflection coefficient less than 0.8); medium (overburden thickness 13m and with reflection coefficient 0.8) and low (overburden thickness < 13m and reflection coefficient. Also, the study area shows a very poor, poor, and moderate protective capacity rating. Seven (7) VES stations have very poor protective capacity, eighteen (18) VES stations shows poor protective capacity and only two (2) VES stations shows a moderate protective capacity rating. Since the illustration the longitudinal conductance revealed the impermeability of the confining layers which is generally ˂ 1.0 Siemens; values ˃1.0 Siemens which indicates zones in which the confined aquifer is subject to protection by the overlying formation materials; these revelations in the study area were possible indications that the groundwater quality status may have been impaired which necessitated the urgent need for the groundwater to be randomly...


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Ishola, S. A., Oyebolu, O. O., & Ikhane, P. R. (2024). Mapping of Aquifer Characteristics and Reservoir Protective Capacity Variation in Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State South-West Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(1), 88–107.


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