Delineation of the Groundwater Potential Zones using Integrated Geospatial Techniques and Multi-criteria Decision Approach in the Cretaceous Lower Benue and Niger Delta Basins of Abia State, Southern Nigeria

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Chukwunenyoke Amos-Uhegbu
Samuel Temitope Jokotagba
Paul Igienekpeme Aigba
Obinna Christian Dinneya
Chukwudike Dandy Akoma


Delineation of the groundwater potential zones in the Cretaceous Lower Benue and Niger Delta basins of Abia state, Nigeria with geographic information system (GIS) / remote sensing (RS) multi-criteria decision approach (MCDA) considered the significant hydrogeomorphological factors affecting the availability of groundwater resources. The factors (geology, rainfall, slope, drainage density, lineament density, soil type, and land use land cover) were ranked using the analytical hierarchical process, a multi-criteria decision-making tool. The integration of the factors into a geographic information system (GIS) and weighted overlay analysis were then carried out using ArcGIS software. The result indicates 31.5% of zones of high to very high groundwater occurrence are in the southern section, and 41.6% of poor to very poor zones in the northern section. While the moderate zones make up the 26.8% of the study area. The study demonstrates that the groundwater occurrence in the study area is primarily controlled by the interactive impact of geology, rainfall, and slope factors, thus revealing the causes of the incessant random borehole failures in the moderate zones.  Thus, the groundwater resources can be sustainably exploited, developed, and managed with the help of the map produced from the resulting demarcation of groundwater potential zones in the study.


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Amos-Uhegbu, C., Jokotagba, S. T., Aigba, P. I., Dinneya, O. C., & Akoma, C. D. (2024). Delineation of the Groundwater Potential Zones using Integrated Geospatial Techniques and Multi-criteria Decision Approach in the Cretaceous Lower Benue and Niger Delta Basins of Abia State, Southern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(S), 23–43.


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