Geophysical Investigation of Groundwater Potential in Yobe State University, Damaturu
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In order to meet the growing demand for potable water in Yobe State University Damaturu and its environs, due to rapid increase in both students and staff population as well as economic activities within the area, this study investigated the groundwater potential of Yobe State University Damaturu. Vertical electrical sounding method, using Schlumberger configuration was adopted for the study. Five (5) geoelectrical layers were delineated from the study area and these layers were the topsoil which is a mixture of clay and sand, clay, sand, silty clay and sand. The third and the fifth layers were the aquifer systems in the study area. The parameters of the first aquifer were used to evaluate the groundwater potential in the study area. The evaluated parameters of the aquifer were the aquifer thickness, transverse resistance, transmissivity and porosity. The magnitude of the aquifer parameters showed that the study area has good groundwater potential. The aquifer in the study area has an average thickness of 36.3 m and an average porosity of 29.5%. The aquifer transmissivity ranged from 81.8 to 150.6 m2/day indicating good groundwater yield in the area. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that boreholes for groundwater abstraction in the study area should be drilled within the second aquifer.
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