Hydrogeological Mapping of Bingham University, Karu Campus, Nasarawa State

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Theophilus Toro Danjuma
P. A. Emmanuel
M. O. Adeleye
O. V. Oyelade
V. T. Oluwasusi
S. O. Eghaghe
E. Echioda


The interpretation of 32 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) data of the geophysical investigation of Bingham University Karu Campus with ADMT isoline maps has revealed three to five subsurface geoelectric layers and geologic sections, namely: topsoil, clay/silty followed by wet weathered basement and fractured/fresh basement rocks. The weathered basement and fractured layers constituted the aquifer units in the study area. The high thickness of the weathered basement with relatively low resistivity that occupies most parts of the study area was identified as the potential aquifer zone target for groundwater exploitation. The identified zones have a higher storage capacity considering their aquifer thicknesses and are more than enough to harbour a substantial quantity of water demand that may be arising within the university community in future. The prominent zones found for groundwater development are VES points A1 – A4, B2, B3, B5, C7, C8 and D5 with depth zones ranging from 15.1m-130m. Six points failed productivity evaluation due to the shallow depth and resistive nature of the aquifers in the regions and discouraged groundwater development.


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How to Cite
Danjuma, T. T., Emmanuel, P. A., Adeleye, M. O., Oyelade, O. V., Oluwasusi, V. T., Eghaghe, S. O., & Echioda, E. (2023). Hydrogeological Mapping of Bingham University, Karu Campus, Nasarawa State. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(2), 89–98. Retrieved from https://njp.nipngr.org/index.php/njp/article/view/36


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