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I. F. Okoye
I. O. Alaekwe
O. Abba


The films were grown on the substrate using natural dye extracted from Henna plant with water extraction method. The dye was prepared using five grams (5g) of Lawsonia Inermis (Henna Plant) and the mixture of water and methanol 60ml (50:50 ratios). The five grams (5g) of leave and 60ml of mixed measured solvent was grinded for five minutes. The dyes solution extracted were centrifuged at a speed of the revolution centrifugation per minute of 3000rpm to separate the solid fragment from the solution using centrifugation filtering machine. The films were sensitized using the dye and the performance of this dye was carefully examined on the fluorine doped tin oxide film. The films were studied for its optical properties using Spectrophotometer system – UV 752 Axion Medical Ltd Uk, Solar simulator, model 4200-scs semiconductor characterization system was used to studied the power voltage characterization of the grown films while the Tauc model was used to obtain the optical energy band gap of 3.50 eV. The transmittance spectrum was shown, while the nature of the Absorbance of Dyed TiO2 was studied. The behavior of the Absorption Coefficient of Dyed TiO2 was also investigated. The Current/Voltage and power/voltagePerformances of TiO2-based DSSCs using Lawsonia inermis (Henna plant) plant natural dye extracts was investigated and the solar simulation result of DSSCs developed in this research are listed as follows; (Isc) = (0.242 mA), (Voc) = 0.375 V, FF(%) = 50.89%, and MPPT |Mw| = 0.046 Mw for Henna dyed TiO2, while the conversion efficiency ɳ(%) of the dye sensitized solar cell was 0.046%.


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How to Cite
Okoye, I. F., Alaekwe, I. O., & Abba, O. (2021). UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER ANALYSIS OF FILM GROWN USING NATURAL DYE FROM LAWSONIA INERMIS (HENNA PLANT). Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 135–139. Retrieved from https://njp.nipngr.org/index.php/njp/article/view/104


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