Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation for the Hulthen-Type Potential Plus Modified Kratzer Potential: Application to Ionic Crystals

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Budu P. Teru
N. M. D. Chagok
M. M. Izam


The approximate analytical solution of the radial Schrodinger equation has been extended to ionic crystal using the Hulthen-type plus modified Kratzer potential model, within the framework of Nikiforov-Uvarov method using Greene-Aldrich approximation. The aim of combining these potentials is to have a wide application. The energy eigenvalues for NaCl, NaF, NaBr and NaI ionic crystals were computed for various vibrational and rotational quantum numbers. Special cases were considered when the potential parameters were altered, resulting into Hulthen-Type Potential and Modified Kratzer Potential. Their energy eigenvalues expressions and numerical computations agreed with the already existing literatures. Also, spectroscopic parameter for ionic crystals were used in plotting graphical variation of the bound state energy eigenvalues for the ionic crystals with different potential parameters and quantum numbers were discussed. Our results are in agreement with the reports of other researchers.


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Teru, B. P., Chagok, N. M. D., & Izam, M. M. (2023). Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation for the Hulthen-Type Potential Plus Modified Kratzer Potential: Application to Ionic Crystals. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(1), 122–131. Retrieved from


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