Synchronization Metric for Sinusoidally Coupled Periodically Modulated Josephson Junctions

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Kayode S. Ojo
A. Emmanuel Adeniji
Ayotunde A. Ajayi
Omolara Bakre


Synchronization control of coupled dynamical systems with bounded control functions in spite of advantages in the optimization of control functions has not been adequately explored. In order to further demonstrate the advantage of this control technique, this paper presents the effect of sinusoidal coupling on two periodically modulated chaotic Josephson junctions evolving from different initial conditions. A sufficient analytical criterion for the determination of the coupling threshold that leads to common dynamical behaviour called synchronization was derived. The derived analytical criterion is applied to sinusoidally coupled periodically modulated Josephson junctions within two dynamical regimes and to illustrate the effectiveness of the analytical criterion. Numerical simulations of the analytical result show the achievement of stable synchronization. The result can be applied to determine the level and the strength of interaction between several particles or objects interacting on different topological configurations that can result in different dynamical behaviours.


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How to Cite
Ojo, K. S., Adeniji, A. E., Ajayi , A. A., & Bakre, O. F. (2023). Synchronization Metric for Sinusoidally Coupled Periodically Modulated Josephson Junctions. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 133–140. Retrieved from
Review Articles
Author Biographies

Kayode S. Ojo, University of Lagos Akoka, Yaba Lagos Nigeria

Department of Physics, Senior Lecturer 

A. Emmanuel Adeniji, Bell University of Technology Ota, Ogun State Nigeria

Department of Physical Sciences, Senior Lecturer 

Omolara Bakre , Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Yaba Lagos Nigeria.

Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Principal Lecturer 


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