Investigating The Statistical Relationship Between Forbush Decreases and Coronal Mass Ejection

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O. C. Nwuzor
A. E. Umahi
O. Okike


Forbush decrease is a rapid decrease in the observed galactic cosmic ray intensity following a coronal mass ejection (CME). We have studied Forbush decreases (FDs) associated with coronal mass ejection. This was done using cosmic ray data observed at Climax neutron monitor, during the period of 2000 to 2005 with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) relative speed data. Manual method (epoch analysis) of Forbush decreases was used to analyze the cosmic ray data. We have found that about (96%) Forbush decreases associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), while about 4% of the observed FDs did not associate with CMEs. It was also observed that the higher the magnitude of FDs the longer the recovery time and vice versa. We have found positive but less significant correlation with correlation coefficient (cc = 0.078) between magnitudes of Forbush decreases associated with coronal mass ejections. This affirms that FDs are actually associated with CMEs.


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Nwuzor, O. C., Umahi, A. E., & Okike, O. (2023). Investigating The Statistical Relationship Between Forbush Decreases and Coronal Mass Ejection. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(2), 40–47. Retrieved from


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