Catalogues of Forbush Decreases for the Period of 1957 - 1967

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O. Okike
Ogochukwu C. Nwuzor
P. I. Akande


This work presents catalogues of Forbush Deceraeses (FDs) between the periods of 1957 – 1967. Forbush Decrease is a short-time decrease in the intensity of galactic cosmic rays. Such decreases are traced to solar wind disturbances. This work aims to study the catalogues of FDs. To achieve this aim, two approaches will be adopted namely; (1) downloading and presenting the IZMIRAN FDs from their website (2) applying the automated methods of FD identification developed by Okike and Umahi (2019) to identify and present FDs. The IZMIRAN catalog which applied the global survey method, identified a total of 450 FDs while the automated generated FDs (FD1 and FD2) which applied Fourier transformation, identified 500 and 458 FDs respectively. A close study on the three catalogues, pinpointed some differences and similarities. These were attributed to the differences in their methods of identification.


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How to Cite
Okike, O., Nwuzor, O. C., & Akande, P. I. (2024). Catalogues of Forbush Decreases for the Period of 1957 - 1967. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(1), 138–151.
Review Articles
Author Biography

Ogochukwu C. Nwuzor, a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:54:"David Umahi Federal University of Health Science Uburu";}

Department of Industrial Physics, David Umahi Federal University of Health Science, Uburu

Assistant Lecturer


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