Statistical Tests of the Relativistic Beaming Indicators of jetted AGNs and Implication for the Revised Blazar Sequence

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Evaristus U. Iyida
Costecia I. Onah
Innocent O. Eya


The latest detection by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) of strong relativistic jets of very high-energy (VHE, above 100 GeV) from the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLS1s) has opened a new unified scheme of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in which jetted Seyfert galaxies are viewed as counterparts to a subclass of AGNs. In this paper, we report a systematic investigation of the revised blazar sequence using the γ-ray Doppler factor () and the radio core-dominance parameter (R) of AGN samples of NLS1s and blazar subtypes of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lac objects (BLs). Furthermore, we explore the γ-ray properties of NLS1s and blazar subtypes in the context of the blazar unification scheme at different scales. The main results are as follows: (a) The average values of R and γ-ray luminosity () of our sample agree with the sequence BLs – FSRQs – NLS1s and provide quantitative explanations for the observed relativistic beaming effects in these objects. (b) Through a parameter t-test and non-parametric K-S test with chance probability p <10-3, we find that the distributions of R and Lγ for NLS1s and the blazar subtypes are not significantly different. (c) There is a regular positive trend (r > +0.79) in the variation of Lγ –  data from BLs to NLS1s through FSRQs which is consistent with the prediction of the revised blazar sequence. These results imply that NLS1s could fit very well into the conventional blazar sequence.


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How to Cite
Iyida, E. U., Onah, C. I., & Eya, I. O. (2024). Statistical Tests of the Relativistic Beaming Indicators of jetted AGNs and Implication for the Revised Blazar Sequence. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(2), 75–86.
Author Biography

Costecia I. Onah

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria


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