Statistical Analysis of Atmospheric Electrical Potential
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Atmospheric electricity, a complex interplay between Earth's surface, atmosphere, and ionosphere, is driven by both the dramatic charge separation in thunderstorms and the continuous ionization by cosmic rays and radioactivity. This study investigates the variations in atmospheric electrical potential using statistical analysis of data collected in Ilorin, Nigeria. A copper arrester and an earth rod connected to a data logger continuously measured the air-ground potential difference for four months. Meteorological parameters (humidity and temperature) were also monitored. We analyzed the factors influencing atmospheric electrical potential variations and developed a predictive model based on the collected data. The model was validated with independent datasets. Results indicate a diurnal and seasonal pattern in atmospheric electrical potential, with peaks observed during evenings and winter months, and lows in afternoons and summer. atmospheric electrical potential exhibited a positive correlation with humidity and a negative correlation with temperature. This study highlights the complex and dynamic nature of atmospheric electrical potential, influenced by various local and global factors. These findings contribute valuable data and insights on atmospheric electrical potential, advancing scientific understanding in this field.
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