Gamma-Ray Burst Propagating Strong Photon Intensity Interaction

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Augustus Onyemauchechukwu Obioha
Theodore Chidiezie Chineke
E. C. Okoro


Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic explosions that occurs in the universe, we explored the interactions between high-energy photons and their surroundings during the propagation of the GRBs. The Gamma-ray burst data were obtained from the sample of GRBS, whose jet break times were measured in the radio, optical and x-ray afterglow light curves. We invoke Light intensity by measuring the amount of power either emitted or reflected by a source, and was calculated using the luminosity or brightness. With some plausible assumption; the observable data yield I=-2317t+45409 where ‘I’ light intensity,‘t’ is time. The observation of a negative slope in the regression plot suggests a decrease in intensity over time for GRBs shown in the table 1, 2 and 3. This observation implies that the energy emitted during the burst diminishes as the event progresses. The negative slope attributed to various factors including the propagation effects of gamma-ray photons, absorption by intervening matter, or energy dissipation mechanisms within the source of the burst. It helps in elucidating the mechanisms behind the energy release and the behaviour of gamma-ray radiation during these intense cosmic events. To validate the obtained equation and strengthen the understanding of the intensity-time relationship of GRBs and strong photon interactions, it is recommended to conduct further research using a larger dataset. This will increase the reliability and generalizability of the equation.


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How to Cite
Obioha, A. O., Chineke, T. C., & Okoro, E. C. (2023). Gamma-Ray Burst Propagating Strong Photon Intensity Interaction. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 127–132. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Theodore Chidiezie Chineke, Imo State University Owerri Imo State.

Professor of Physics 

Currently the Dean of physical sciences 


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