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O. C. Dinneya
F. C. Anyadiegwu
B. I. Ijeh
C. Amos-Uhegbu
F. C. Harris


Well log data of five (5) wells termed Pole Field located in the Niger Delta basin were used in the characterization of reservoir sands. Well log data used included sonic, gamma ray, matrix density and resistivity logs. A computer software (PETREL) was used and the wireline log data were studied to characterize the porosity, water saturation, and volume of shale of the pole field reservoir. The thickness of each sand unit in reservoir A, B and C varied between 225-279ft, 86001050ft, and 45-258ft respectively. The average water saturation (SW) of reservoir A, B and C are 0.344%, 0.412 and 0.152% respectively. The effective porosity for reservoir A varied between 21-28 with an average effective porosity of 25. For reservoir B, the effective porosity varied between 21-25 with an average effective porosity of 13.6. While for reservoir C, the effective porosity also varied between 21-25 with an average effective porosity of 23.3. Hence, the 5 wells located in Pole field of Niger Delta basin have a favourable average net sand thickness, average effective porosity and hydrocarbon saturation which are indicators for high hydrocarbon accumulation.


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Dinneya, O. C., Anyadiegwu, F. C., Ijeh, B. I., Amos-Uhegbu, C., & Harris, F. C. (2021). RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLE FIELD IN NIGER DELTA BASIN, USING WELL LOGGING. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 117–123. Retrieved from


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