Geophysical and Sedimentological Characterization of Oil Sand Deposit in Part of Eastern Dahomey Basin Southwestern Nigeria

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Sofiat A. Adekoya
Joseph O. Coker
Phillip R. Ikhane
Hamid T. Oladunjoye


Unconventional oil is the group name given to unconventional petroleum deposits such as oil sands and heavy oils. Oil sand, commonly referred to as tar sand or bituminous sand is a sandstone formation impregnated with viscous bitumen. This study utilized the two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging technique to characterize oil sand and validate its true resistivity value and sedimentological analysis to evaluate the physical properties of the oil sand deposit. The two-dimension electrical resistivity imaging data acquisition was done along seven profiles systematically in a grid format using dipole-dipole electrode configuration and processed using the RES2DINV software. Fresh samples were collected from three points within the study area for grain sizes and textural properties analysis. The result of the 2-D ERI in the study area showed two to three geoelectric layers and the oil sand being the second layer as evident in the 3-D model obtained from the systemic data acquisition procedure. The resistivity obtained for oil sand in the study area range between 2,500 Ωm to 105 Ωm which validates the report of high resistivity value of oil sand in the study area. The sedimentological analysis showed that the sediments in the study area are of medium sand moderately sorted sand grain and leptokurtic to mesokurtic sand suggesting unimodal and bimodal parent source.


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Adekoya, S. A., Coker, J. O., Ikhane, P. R., & Oladunjoye, H. T. (2024). Geophysical and Sedimentological Characterization of Oil Sand Deposit in Part of Eastern Dahomey Basin Southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(1), 114–125.


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