Assessment of Impact of Agricultural Land-Use Types on Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria

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Aderemi A. Alabi
Sheriff B. Oladimeji
A. M. Olaoye
A. S. Ogungbe
Joseph Olakunle Coker


Agricultural land-use practices play a pivotal role in shaping the physical and chemical properties of soil, which in turn influence crop productivity, environmental sustainability, and overall ecosystem health. Understanding the impact of different agricultural land-use types on soil properties is crucial for sustainable land management and effective agricultural practices. This study utilized electrical resistivity technique (ERT) and geochemical methods to assess the impact of different land-uses (mineral farms, organic farms, thick plantations, and cattle stations) on soil physicochemical properties. The research aimed to explore the correlation between soil resistivity and fertility, as well as evaluate the influence of specific land-use types on soil characteristics. Four resistivity traverses were conducted, each corresponding to a different land-use type, and soil samples were collected from various depths. Laboratory analysis revealed high clay content in the cattle station, while all land-use types showed high sand content. Available phosphorus was significantly affected by both land-use and soil depth, negatively correlating with electrical conductivity. Exchangeable bases were generally low across all land-use types. The study recommends promoting site-specific, sustainable land management practices within different agricultural land-use systems.


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How to Cite
Alabi, A. A., Oladimeji, S. B., Olaoye, A. M., Ogungbe, A. S., & Coker, J. O. (2024). Assessment of Impact of Agricultural Land-Use Types on Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(4), 45–56.


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