Investigation of the Effect of the Solid Waste on Soil and Ground Water using Electrical Resistivity Method at Kumshe area Maiduguri, Borno State

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Mohammed Kolo
M. Hassan
Y. T. Atom


The dumpsite under investigation was in Maiduguri's Kumshe neighborhood. At the dumpsites, an electrical resistivity survey was conducted to find out how precisely an electrical measurement could identify the leachate flux into the soil and groundwater. To complete the task, a Syscal Junior Resistivity Meter was utilized. This makes use of multi-core cables that are disconnected at different times, with a total of 27 electrodes spread across 200 meters. The dumpsite was the subject of four vertical electrical soundings (VES), which were analyzed using the computer program IPI2WIN. According to the results, contamination plumes were identified as low resistivity zones with resistivity values ranging from 0 to 30 m, from the ground surface to varying depths of 0-3.6 m in VEs1, VEs2, and VEs4. These zones were thought to be formed by leachate from decomposed waste with greater concentrations, whereas ves3 defines contamination plumes with low resistivity zones that stretch from the surface of the ground to different depths thought to be leachate from broken down waste with lower concentrations. The findings showed that leachate had moved from the dump into the nearby soil at the dumpsites, but it had not yet reached the area's shallow aquifer.


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How to Cite
Kolo, M., Hassan, M., & Atom, Y. T. (2023). Investigation of the Effect of the Solid Waste on Soil and Ground Water using Electrical Resistivity Method at Kumshe area Maiduguri, Borno State. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 73–78. Retrieved from


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