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S. J. Gemanam
B. O. Egwuchi
T. Sombo
E. H. Agba
T. Daniel


The gamma ray measurement of naturally occurring radioactive samples from Ushongo characteristics geological rocks was carried out using a halogen-quenched GM detector (radiation meter), measuring tape and a geographical compass. The absorbed dose rates in air outdoors at approximately 1m above the ground were measured and their values were in the range of 21286 - 29571 nGy, 23571- 35143 nGy, 27000 - 42286 nGy, and 20571- 34571 nGy with overall mean values of 24952nGy, 28381nGy, 33333nGy and 27047nGy for sample locations; Ushongo Hills (A), Ibya-Avie (B), Mata (C) and Mbaakorsu (D) respectively. The values corresponds to the total individual annual effective dose rates of, 104419mSv, 12264mSv and 099512mSv, (assuming a 20 (02) occupancy factor) for sample location A, B, C and D respectively. Thus, annual effective dose rates in Ushongo town are much higher than the global value of 064mSv. The radiological implication of these radionuclides is due to the gamma ray exposure of the body and irradiation of lungs tissue from inhalation of radon and its daughters


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How to Cite
Gemanam, S. J., Egwuchi, B. O., Sombo, T., Agba, E. H., & Daniel, T. (2022). MEASUREMENT OF GAMMA RADIATION EMISSION FROM NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE SAMPLES OF USHONGO GEOLOGICAL ROCKS, NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIA. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 31(2), 47–51. Retrieved from


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