UV-C Inactivation Doses for Pathogenic and Spoilage Bacteria and Fungi Isolated from Selected Tropical Fruits and Vegetables

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D. K. Kaki
N. B. Akaagerger
E. H. Agba


Food-borne microbes from sweet orange, okra and pepper were homogenized and combined based on fruit type. The homogenized mixtures of the isolates were subjected to Ultraviolet radiation using a fabricated irradiation system to determine the total viable colony count post-irradiation. This was used in calculating the decimal reduction doses for the crops, which were found to be 2.589 Jm-2, 2.556 Jm-2 and 4.133 Jm-2, for Sweet Orange, Okra, and Pepper, respectively. These doses will be helpful in the sterilization and shelf-life extension of the selected fruits and vegetables.


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Kaki, D. K., Akaagerger, N. B., & Agba, E. H. (2023). UV-C Inactivation Doses for Pathogenic and Spoilage Bacteria and Fungi Isolated from Selected Tropical Fruits and Vegetables. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.62292/njp.v33i1.2024.186
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