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M. S. Otto
O. J. Abimbola
E. Sanderson
A. A. Bello
O. A. Falaiye
A. O. Abe


This work investigated both wet and dry component of seasonal variations in the tropospheric surface refractivity of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria in order to understand the tropospheric propagation of radio-waves based on its weather parameters. Utilizing the meteorological data acquired from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Ilorin, the seasonal surface refractivity for both dry (November to March) and rainy (April to October) seasons for the years 2000 to 2002 were calculated via averaging the seasonal values i.e., dry (November to March) and rainy (April to October) of relative humidity, temperature and pressure individually then inputting into the refractivity formula. The result shows the comparison between the 3years span that the maximum surface refractivity (126.85 N-units, 190.50 N-units and 135.24 N-units) respectively during the rainy season (that is, April to October) as compared to the maximum surface refractivity (126.22 N-units, 116.49 N-units and 118.77 N-units) respectively during the dry season (that is, November to March) therefore showing a variation between tropospheric surface refractivity in rainy season (April-October), which is higher than in dry season (November-March)  mainly due to enormous water content in the atmosphere (troposphere) during the month of April to October. Also, both the dry component (Ndry) and wet component of surface refractivity (Nwet) for the months of April to October are more than that of of November to March due to high moisture content for the stipulated 3 years period and thereby the wet component (Nwet) of the surface refractivity has higher values in both seasons than the dry component (Ndry) of the surface refractivity


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Otto, M. S., Abimbola, O. J., Sanderson, E., Bello, A. A., Falaiye, O. A., & Abe, A. O. (2022). SEASONAL VARIATION OF SURFACE REFRACTIVITY AND ITS DISTINCT COMPONENTS IN ILORIN, KWARA STATE, NIGERIA. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 31(2), 85–96. Retrieved from


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