Effect of Seasonal Variation and Soil Parameters on Soil-Gas Radon Concentration in Ogbomoso, South Western Nigeria

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E. A. Oni
P. O. Adedeji
Abraham A. Aremu
O. O. Oladapo
P. S. Ayanlola
M. K. Lawal


Radon 222Rn, an inert natural radioactive gas, a daughter product in the 238U natural decay series, a source of alpha radiation. It accounts for about 55% of the total radiation from natural sources. Radon is known for its substantial variations in concentration due to both seasonal changes and variations in soil parameters. Soil, fractures in rocks and water are the main source of radon and they are the routes through which individual is exposed to it, in which this study is aimed at examining the effects of seasonal variation, soil parameters, on soil radon concentration. A total of hundred (100) in-situ soil radon measurements were carried out for both seasons (wet and dry) in Ogbomoso using an active electronic device RAD 7. Soil parameters were measured using a 4-in-1 digital metre. The obtained experimental data were subjected to a statistical tool (SPSS) Version 23, with statistical significance set at p < 0.01. The result showed that the effect of seasonal variation on soil-gas radon concentration was discovered to be maximum during the dry season with the radon concentration of 1900.01 Bq/m3 and minimum during the wet season with the radon concentration of 711.81 Bq/m3.The mean value of radon in soil-gas was found to be 553.48 Bq/m3 and 1366.34 Bq/m3 for wet and dry season respectively. Soil parameters considered in this work have notable influence on soil gas radon concentration in both seasons. Thus, providing valuable insight into the dynamics of radon migration in the soil. The results will help to develop effective mitigation strategies by policies makers and reducing the risk of radon related lung cancer in the study area.


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How to Cite
Oni, E. A., Adedeji, P. O., Aremu, A. A., Oladapo, O. O., Ayanlola, P. S., & Lawal, M. K. (2024). Effect of Seasonal Variation and Soil Parameters on Soil-Gas Radon Concentration in Ogbomoso, South Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(2), 10–15. https://doi.org/10.62292/njp.v33i2.2024.239


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