Comparative Study on Electron Stopping Power in Some Material Targets Using Einstein Relativistic Mass-Energy Theory, Bahjat Mass-Energy Concept and New Mass-Energy Concept

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Adamu Z. Ngari
Y. H. Ngadda
D. I. Malgwi


This study presents calculated results of the stopping power of electrons of kinetic energy, ranges from  to  in some Material targets. The method employed Einstein mass-energy theory, Bahjat mass-energy concept and new mass- energy concept into the Beth-Bloch radiative and collision stopping power formula for calculations of total electron stopping power in air, tissue, water, skeletal muscle, plastic, copper and lead. The Einstein mass-energy theory has been under estimated in electron stopping power. The graphical plots of stopping power using Einstein, Bahjatand our new mass-energy concept verses energy show that, the rate of energy lost using  ride between the  and  also close tocompared to . The curves are hyperbolic at lower electron energies and at higher energy values approximate to straight lines. The resultant particle speed constant v, describing the electron’s speed, is more realistic since the electron has mass, hence moves slower than the photon (light). This work is applicable in the areas of nuclear and particle physics for the interpretations of atomic structures, calculation of nuclear binding energy and nuclear reaction energies. In the historical development of E = mc2, it is interesting to note that this concept has been evolving continuously. If the concept of Einstein’s mass-energy relationship has evolved into many areas of applications, many alternative conceptions would be formed during the last 100 years. This paper has demonstrated some of the controversies surrounding the conceptual development of E =  and there is the need to pay attention to its inclusion in any curriculum.


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How to Cite
Ngari, A. Z., Ngadda, Y. H., & Malgwi, D. I. (2023). Comparative Study on Electron Stopping Power in Some Material Targets Using Einstein Relativistic Mass-Energy Theory, Bahjat Mass-Energy Concept and New Mass-Energy Concept. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 65–72. Retrieved from
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