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N. E. Erusiafe
O. O. Oyebola
V. N. Nwaekwu
Y. O. Popoola


The performance of photovoltaic (or PV) modules depends on incidence solar irradiance and the temperature of the cell. This study investigates the performance of mono-crystalline photovoltaic module mounted on rooftop. This corresponds to a typical situation where the module is exposed to environmental conditions. The current – voltage characteristics and temperature of the module were obtained for the interval defined by airmass AM1.5 and AM2 and the peak power determined. The data obtained was analyzed and the results show that the efficiency at peak power is 0.0865. This is less than the efficiency from standard test condition; the slight effect of temperature on module fill-factor suggests temperature effect on module efficiency.


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Erusiafe, N. E., Oyebola, O. O., Nwaekwu, V. N., & Popoola, Y. O. (2021). ASSESSMENT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 26–33. Retrieved from


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