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J. Waida
U. Rilwan
U. Ibrahim
M. M. Idris
K. S. Madaki
B. A. Aisha


The work evaluates the contamination factor of water, soil and plant in some parts of Plateau State, Nigeria using XRF method from 12 sample each of soil, water and edible plants. The results showed that, CF of soil in different Local Government has values in trend with Mangu (5.3) > Barkin Ladi (5.2) > Jos East (4.7) >Jos South (4.4) > Bassa (4.3). Water has its trend as Barkin Ladi (4.5) > Jos South (4.2) > Mangu (4.1) > Bassa (2.9) > Jos East (2.7). Edible Plants has trend with Jos South (3.8) > Barkin Ladi (3.7) > Mangu and Jos East (3.5) > Bassa (3.4). 100 % of these values are higher than the world recommended limit of unity. It can be concluded that the soil, water and plants in the area are moderately contaminated and required regulatory control. Hence this research can be used as a reference data for the regulatory bodies like NNRA and the rest


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Waida, J., Rilwan, U., Ibrahim, U., Idris, M. M., Madaki, K. S., & Aisha, B. A. (2022). CONTAMINATION FACTOR OF HEAVY METALS DUE TO MINING ACTIVITIES IN PLATEAU STATE, NIGERIA. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 31(2), 97–102. Retrieved from


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