Assessment of Radiation Dose Associated with Background Radionuclides in Quarry Soil at Dawakin-Kudu LGA Kano, Nigeria

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A. L Kareemah
A. Faiza
N. A. Nasir
A. Yakubu
K. Fatima


Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) are present in different concentrations in the environment as well as quarry depending on the geological formation of the soil. The assessment of any release of radioactivity into the environment is crucial for safeguarding public health, particularly when this radioactivity has the potential to enter the food chain. The quarry located in Dawakin-Kudu Kano has the potential to exhibit elevated levels of natural radioactivity due to intense mining operations. This study presents the assessment of activity concentration in quarry soil at Dawakin-Kudu with a focus on the transfer mechanism from soil to plant. Soil samples were gathered from a quarry site and farmlands situated around the quarry at Dawakin-kudu, plant samples were also collected from the same farmlands and were all analyzed for natural radioactivity, specifically for 226Ra,232Th, and 40K. The gamma-ray spectrometry method, coupled with the Sodium thallium Iodide NaI (Tl) detector was used to measure the activity concentrations of 226Ra,232Th, and 40K. Activity concentrations of natural radioactivity in soil were generally higher than those recorded in plants. The mean activity concentration of the radionuclides in soil ranges from Highest-to-Lowest values as follows 226Ra: 65.24±1.92 Bqkg-1 – 42.41±1.73 Bqkg-1, 232Th: 182.71±1.44 Bqkg-1 – 114.61±1.25 Bqkg-1, 40K: 597.51±3.81 Bqkg-1 – 321.93±3.55 Bqkg-1. The radiological hazard indices were all determined to assess the radiation hazard of the quarry soil. The radionuclides transfer factor showed a higher value for 40K in the order 40K>232Th >226Ra, this implies high bioconcentration of 40K in plants. The findings suggest that consuming plants grown around the quarry location over an extended period could pose substantial health threats to the public. Consequently, the study area may not be safe for residents in the long run, emphasizing the necessity for continuous monitoring of radioactivity concentrations to mitigate the environmental health implications of accumulated...


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How to Cite
Kareemah, A. L., Faiza, A., Nasir, N. A., Yakubu, A., & Fatima, K. (2024). Assessment of Radiation Dose Associated with Background Radionuclides in Quarry Soil at Dawakin-Kudu LGA Kano, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(1), 126–137.


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