Radiometric Survey of Background Ionizing Radiation and Assessment of Radiological Health Risk on the Residents of Agbarho Kingdom, Delta State, Nigeria

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Oghenevovwero Emmanuel Esi
Janefrances C. Okpilike


centre of Urhobo nation. Agbarho Kingdom is in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State and made up of two sub-clans which are Awvredjan and Okparegbe sub-clans. Radiometric Survey and health hazard impact of background ionizing radiation (BIR) on the residents of Agbarho Kingdom, Delta State, Nigeria has been conducted using a calibrated Geiger Muller Counter (Digilert 200) and a global positioning radio System (Garmin GPS MAP 76S). The purpose of this Survey is to obtain baseline information on the study area and assess the radiological safety of the members of the public were necessary using well established radiological relations. The studied areas were delineated into fourteen zones. The mean value of the expose rate range from 0.013±0.03 to 0.019±0.08 mRh-1 with an average value of 0.016±0.007 mRh-1. The study estimated 78.6% of the sampling area exceeded the world ambient standard levels of 0.013 mRh-1. The Estimated mean result for radiation health parameters associated with BIR Shows that the mean annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE) of (0.171±0.074 mSvy-1 ) is within the permissible limit of l.0 mSvy-1. The estimated mean effective dose to different organs are all below the recommended limits of 1.0 mSvy-1 while the mean value for absorbed dose and mean excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) are 139.2± 60.9 ɳGyh-1 and 0.598±0.26 ×  mSvy-1 respectively. The estimated results indicate an elevated level of BIR in the studied area and an absorbed dose higher than the admissible limits for public. Therefore, the study demonstrates an elevated level of dose rate, which might result to health effect on the resident who spends a greater percentage of their life in the study area due to accumulation of high absorbed doses. Therefore, a routine check by bodies in charge of radiation protection is very essential.


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How to Cite
Esi, O. E., & Okpilike, J. C. (2023). Radiometric Survey of Background Ionizing Radiation and Assessment of Radiological Health Risk on the Residents of Agbarho Kingdom, Delta State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 45–56. Retrieved from


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