Pathloss Assessment of a Terrestrial Digital UHF Channel over Kano City, Nigeria

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Akinsanmi Akinbolati
Yusuf Isiaq Omotosho
Idris Adamu
Muftahu Suleiman
Sabiru Aminu Yaradua


Path loss assessment is an important factor in wireless communications to ensure quality of service. This study involves the measurement of Received Signal Strength (RSS) of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV) Star Times Station in Kano at 1 km intervals along three routes. Data were gathered during dry and wet season months in the year 2022. The path loss along the routes were computed based on the Okumura-Hata model. It was observed that path losses were higher during wet than dry season months. The result also indicates a higher negative correlation coefficient (R) of -0.745 between Line of Sight (LOS) and RSS for wet and -0.690 for dry season months respectively for route, A. Similarly, R, of -0.739 between LOS and RSS was also observed during wet and -0.589 for dry season months for route, B. In addition, R, of -0.420 was observed between LOS and RSS during wet and -0.328 for dry season months along route C.  The average path loss for wet season is 133.90 dB and for dry season is 127.90 dB. Furthermore, this study introduced a Modified Hata Path Loss Model (MHPL) that takes into account the impact of specific tropospheric parameters such as LOS and elevation. Findings further indicated that the path loss predicted by the conventional Hata model exhibited a steady exponential increase with LOS. Similarly, MHPL followed a comparable trajectory, with some exceptions manifesting as peaks and valleys. The overall findings will be useful for power budgeting that will enhance quality of service of DTTV signal over Kano city.


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How to Cite
Akinbolati, A., Omotosho, Y. I., Adamu, I., Suleiman, M., & Yaradua, S. A. (2024). Pathloss Assessment of a Terrestrial Digital UHF Channel over Kano City, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(S), 15–22.


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