The Direct Nuclear Charge Radii Measurement from Potential Wavefunction

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Aliyu Adamu
Yakubu H. Ngadda
Muhammad Hassan


The charge distribution is a fundamental property of atomic nuclei that affects many of their static characteristics, such as spin, parity, binding energy and effective interaction. Accurately measuring the nuclear charge distribution is of immense importance, as it represents the overall characteristics of the entire nucleus. In this study, we aimed to model a simple and effective formula that could best describe the size of nuclei using the wavefunctions of potential fields originating from positively charged protons. We analyzed finite-size nuclear potential to derive a simple and effective Z-dependent formula. This formula was then applied to calculate the size of various nuclei, and the results were compared with the experimentally measured R and Rrms, showing agreement with a deviation of δ2 = 0.0041. In contrast to the commonly used A1/3-dependent formula, our Z1/3-dependent formula keeps the radius parameter rZ almost constant within 4 < Z < 104. The potential radii of nuclei are reflective of their charge distributions, coulomb energy and lepton energy levels. Additionally, while the A1/3-dependent radius measures the matter radius of nuclei, the Z1/3-dependent radius, RZ and RZ,N, measures the proton wavefunctions beyond the nucleons boundary. Thus, our study provides a simple and effective Z-dependent formula for describing the size of nuclei that can be used to improve our understanding of nuclear physics and the behavior of atomic nuclei. It also provides another dimension for nuclear size measurements and the range of nuclear-lepton interactions.


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Adamu, A., Ngadda, Y. H., & Hassan, M. (2023). The Direct Nuclear Charge Radii Measurement from Potential Wavefunction. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(1), 67–75. Retrieved from


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