Critical Examination of Gamow's Theory of Alpha Particle Decay

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Mohammed Imam Bukar
Nura Yakubu
Aliyu Adamu
Mamman Rawagana


Gamow’s Theory of Alpha Particle Decay was initially formulated for a limited set of nuclei. In this study, the researchers extend the scope and assessed the applicability of the theory to a broader range of nuclides especially those with different proton and neutron compositions. Three objectives were formulated to undertake the research. The researcher utilized one-dimensional WKB approximation to calculate the probability of tunneling through the potential barrier, which is a simplification compared to other formulas.  The Geiger-Nuttall law, which describes a dependence of the disintegration constant on the range of α-particles, was deduced using the Gamow theory describing the passage of the α-particles through the Coulomb barrier by the quantum mechanical tunneling effect. Ground-to-ground state α-transitions for α-active nuclides were analyzed based on their half-lives and their dependence on various factors. The study revealed that all α-active nuclides whose Z ranges between 70 to100 undergoes similar alpha decay processes.


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How to Cite
Bukar, M. I., Yakubu, N., Adamu, A., & Rawagana, M. (2024). Critical Examination of Gamow’s Theory of Alpha Particle Decay. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(S), 84–93.


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