Geophysical Investigation of Environmental and Engineering Features Using Aeromagnetic Data of Ogoja and Environs Southeastern Nigeria
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This study investigates the environmental and engineering implications of linear geologic features in Ogoja and its surroundings using interpreted aeromagnetic data. The regional and residual fields of the aeromagnetic data for the research region were separated using polynomials fitting techniques for first to fourth order. To trace and find the contact linear geologic structures within the study area, high resolution filters such as horizontal derivative (HD), first vertical derivative (FVD), and second vertical derivative (SVD) were used in Edge enhancement filtering for best fit residual anomaly. The depth to anomalous magnetic sources was estimated using the conventional Euler deconvolution approach. According to the findings, the research area is distinguished by near-surface lineaments that occur at maximum depths of 2000 m. Major trends could be seen in the NE-SW direction of the extracted lineaments from FVD and SVD, whereas minor trends aligned in the NW-SE direction. It is impossible to overstate the likelihood that some of the engineering and environmental issues in the research region, such as road failures, house cracks, and gully erosions, may be related to these near-surface geological phenomena
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