Design of Wideband Bandpass and Lowpass Filters with Good Insertion Loss

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Ibrahim Nasidi
M. N. Idris
Y. S. Abu


This paper proposes and demonstrates microstrip filters. A microstrip lowpass filter prototype was designed based on a maximally flat response, then transformed and scaled to step impedance and bandpass filters using a circuit theory-based method. The frequency response of all the filters shows a -3 dB insertion loss at the 1.5 GHz cutoff frequency. The lowpass and step impedance filters exhibit good insertion losses of -24 dB and -18 dB at 3 GHz, respectively. The bandpass filter exhibits a -3 dB bandwidth of 3 GHz, a wideband with potential applications in amplifiers and speakers. A finite-difference time-domain method could be employed to perform an electromagnetic analysis of the filters.


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How to Cite
Nasidi, . I., Idris, M. N., & Abu, Y. S. (2023). Design of Wideband Bandpass and Lowpass Filters with Good Insertion Loss. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(2), 99–104. Retrieved from


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