Assessment of Mathematıcal Workıng Memory Among Varıed Abılıty Level Prımary School Pupıls Wıthın a Flıpped-Classroom Model for Scıence Educatıonal Development

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Joseph M. Timayi
H. J. Chomo
S. G. Gwandum


The study is an assessment of mathematıcal workıng memory among varıed abılıty level prımary school pupıls wıthın a flıpped-classroom model for scıence educatıonal development via the blueprint of Solomon four research design. The sample for the study comprised 103 pupils (48 males and 55 females). Two (2) validated instruments: Cogmed Working Memory Checklist (CWMC) and the Pupils Mathematics Performance Test (PMPT) with respective reliabilities of 0.87 and 0.78 were used to collect data for the study. Three null hypotheses were tested using the t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Scheffe’s test at p≤ 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed a statisitcally significant difference between the Mathematical Working Memory (MWM) of pupils in the flipped class (F-CM) and the Traditional Method (TM). In addition, it was observed that the MWM of pupils with low and high ability levels differ significantly between the F-CM and TM groups. Moreover, a significant difference was observed between the Mathematics Performance (MP) of pupils in the F-CM and the TM class. Generally, within the F-CM groups the MWM were observed to have improved significantly better than that of the TM groups. The study recommends regular assessment of MWM by teachers among pupils for future scıence education (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology) development. Also, school administrators should ensure a periodic assessment of pupils MWM by teachers in order to enhance science education for sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Timayi, J. M., Chomo, H. J., & Gwandum, S. G. (2023). Assessment of Mathematıcal Workıng Memory Among Varıed Abılıty Level Prımary School Pupıls Wıthın a Flıpped-Classroom Model for Scıence Educatıonal Development. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3), 57–64. Retrieved from


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