Procedural Framework for Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Crop Production

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Oyenike Mary Olanrewaju
Faith Oluwatosin Echobu


The world population growth predictions by the United Nations and other researchers are a serious indicator that special attention should be given to smart agriculture to enhance productivity and close the demand and supply gap. In this paper, the concept of IoT was discussed and related literature was reviewed to present the state of the art in IoT technology. A conceptual framework for IoT implementation in crop farming was presented which can provide farmers with enough information to apply soil nutrients with precision, thereby enhancing crop yield and cutting down on wastage of resources from uniformed soil nutrient supplementation.


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Olanrewaju, O. M., & Echobu, F. O. (2023). Procedural Framework for Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Crop Production. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 32(3). Retrieved from


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