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I. B. Osazuwa


Earth tremor is a physical phenomenon that can originate from different sources such as the interior of the solid earth, the aqueous earth, the atmospheric earth; and from outer space. In all these, the initial effect is on the solid earth, causing it to shake. Then later, the tremor is finally transmitted to the surface of the solid earth in obedience to the principles of physics, which involve energy, force and motion. The surface structures, which could not withstand the ensuing stress/strain, will either collapse or become deformed. Quite a number of physical occurrences on the surface of the earth can be traced to earth tremors, which may not have been felt instantly until later, but the ones that attract attention are those that occur on macro scale. There are some reported cases of earth tremors in Nigeria. Areas that may be prone to earth tremor in Nigeria are those indicated by possible major active fault lines deduced from the Primary Gravity Network of Nigeria, which was established by Osazuwa in 1985. Earth tremors are not known to enhance socio-economic relief to the inhabitants in the regions at the time of their occurrence. However, when maintenance works are carried out on areas and structures affected by earth tremor, the socio-economic setback can be boosted. Efforts were made by Nigerian scientists to study the occurrence of earthquakes and earth tremors in West Africa generally and Nigeria in particular. In all sincerity, Nigerian intellectuals perform excellently well outside the Nigerian boarder, but back home in Nigeria, the story is different, probably due to frustration arising from lack of enabling infrastructure. In all the research activities that have taken place in Nigeria, the initial impetus from the appropriate government organ is often very high, but transient. In conclusion, Nigeria will continue to experience 


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How to Cite
Osazuwa, I. B. (2021). EARTH TREMORS IN NIGERIA AND THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 39–50. Retrieved from
Review Articles


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