Determination of Radon Concentration in Imported Tea Obtained From Maiduguri Monday Market using the Liquid Scintillation Counter Technique

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Dennis Solomon Balami
Luka Emmanuel Gabasa
Samaila Hassan
John Simon
Muhammed Hassan


This study investigates radon-222 concentrations in imported tea samples obtained from northeastern Nigeria's Maiduguri Monday Market using Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) techniques. Located in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Borno State, the study area encompasses the Maiduguri Metropolitan Council and adjacent regions, characterized by distinct seasonal variations and semi-arid conditions. Five popular imported tea brands were analyzed using a Packard Tri-Card LSA 1000TR liquid scintillation counter, with samples prepared following standardized protocols. Results revealed varying radon-222 concentrations across brands, with Lipton Tea showing the highest concentration , while Glen Tea and Top Tea exhibited no detectable levels. The study evaluated potential health risks through multiple parameters, including Annual Effective Dose (AED), Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR), and Hazard Index (HI). Age-dependent analysis demonstrated heightened sensitivity among infants, particularly for Lipton Tea consumption, with an AED of . ELCR calculations indicated the highest lifetime cancer risk for infants consuming Lipton Tea  while remaining within acceptable limits. HI values consistently remained below 1 across all samples and age groups, suggesting minimal non-cancer health risks. The findings indicate that while radon-222 is present in some tea samples, concentrations remain well below the World Health Organization's recommended limit of  for drinking water. The study contributes valuable data to the limited research on radon contamination in consumer products within developing regions, while establishing a methodological framework for similar investigations worldwide.


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Balami, D. S., Gabasa, L. E., Hassan, S., Simon, J., & Hassan, M. (2024). Determination of Radon Concentration in Imported Tea Obtained From Maiduguri Monday Market using the Liquid Scintillation Counter Technique. Nigerian Journal of Physics, 33(4), 48–58.


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